ERPSearchConsultingYour core business is manufacturing great products.

You need technology to manage that process, and if you’re like many smaller manufacturers, your trusted source for your technology requirements is an employee who wears many hats. So how can you be sure you’re making the best investments? For manufacturers near Chicago, Illinois one option is to hire ERP search consultant to work for you.

Manufacturers in all industries are embracing the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) as a way to stay ahead of the technology curve by getting real-time data from devices into their hands. And having the right ERP is the foundation of every IIoT plan.

A comprehensive ERP is probably the biggest technology investment your company will make. The costs go well beyond just licensing and success is not guaranteed. Some recent statistics indicate that as many as 80% of customers are unhappy with their current ERP. A leading cause of this dissatisfaction was due to poor requirements planning. Some statistics claim that 60% of ERP project fail. So how can you be sure to get all the value and minimize the risks associated with the selection and implementation of a new ERP?

You could watch demo after demo of ERP systems. Take years to gather the recommendations. Have your key technology employee spend hours on internet searches comparing features and companies. Talk with people at association meetings about their experience with ERP.

And you might get lucky! Or you might not.


You could hire an expert in ERP search to get the project done. Someone who can effectively evaluate your needs and find your perfect ERP match. Someone who has implemented ERP before. Someone who is intimately familiar with manufacturing and can share best practices from other manufacturers. Someone who stays ahead of the technology trends. Some who can provide you with options that make sense and can provide realistic costs of ownership over the next five years.

IIoT Automating Solutions helps manufacturers in the greater Chicago area search and find the best solutions for their business. A small investment to ensure a return on your biggest investment!

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IIoT Automating Solutions

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