IIoT Expertise for CNC Machining Manufacturers
Plugging machining companies into the power of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
with intelligent planning and applied technology solutions.
Use smart technology to monitor cleanliness, product quality, alert for preventative maintenance, automate processes and ensure stringent document management. Use data for better risk-based decision making to effectively meet the ISO 13485:2016 standards. Connect ERP to other applications to reduce errors.
Automate traceability of materials, ensure lot control, reduce cost of quality, make use of SPC data to squeeze out costs and increase productivity with more lights-out production. Know your costs of material, overhead, labor and outside processing. Generate documentation for shipments quickly with original data.
Optimize manufacturing scheduling, remotely monitor CNC status, improve inventory management. Improve quality, efficiency, reduce costs and gain a competitive advantage by analyzing data in real-time. Effectively use CAD/CAM to simulate machining, reduce setup time and cycle times and transfer programs directly to machines.
Install the best ERP for your company.
Increase sales with website-CRM-ERP-EMAIL integrations.
Build designs for manufacturability, connect to CAM.
Speed up setup time & cycle times. Connect everywhere.
Install & integrate Quality Management Systems.
Monitor cycle-time, runtime, downtime, optimize efficiency.
Connect vendors, ERP, CAD and CAM for costs, inventory.
Store centrally. Edit effectively. Deploy quickly.
Collect SPC data. Connect to CNC’s, ERP, QMS.
Get notified. Display dashboards. Automate actions.
Phone (630) 465-2270
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Phone (630) 465-2270
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